
Data protection

Data protection and fear of surveillance when using Teams

When using Microsoft Teams or similar collaboration tools, employees often have specific concerns about data protection and monitoring. Some important aspects are: Data security: Employees want to ensure that their personal data and work content is secure. You want to know what security measures Microsoft Teams uses to protect data from unauthorized access. Data...

The fear of employees with the Teams status

There can be various reasons for employees' anxiety when using the Teams status, especially the "Absent" status: Fear of negative perception: Employees may fear that the status "absent" will be interpreted as a lack of commitment or low morale. In work cultures where constant availability is expected, setting an absence status can cause insecurity...

Teams: Extend available status

There are different presence statuses in Microsoft Teams. If you are actively working and not in a conversation, the status is Available. Teams changes this status automatically, depending on the date or whether the computer has been locked. However, for reasons of employee monitoring, many Teams users want to extend the Stauts availability. Extend available...

Switching off the screensaver: 2 steps

Screensavers have been around for ages, especially in Windows - a feature that everyone knows. First and foremost, it has many advantages, but it also has disadvantages, which often make you want to switch off the screen saver under Windows. But this is often not as easy as you might imagine. Why a screensaver? The name...

More data protection in IT for employees

Data protection is a major issue, especially in IT. Digitalization means that more and more processes and work are being mapped digitally. However, employees in particular often have a queasy feeling when it comes to monitoring and data collection. As an employee, however, you can actively do something for more data protection. Data protection fears...

Teams Data protection: concerns and 2 measures

Microsoft Teams is a communication platform that has become indispensable in today's world. The use of teams has come to the fore during the coronavirus pandemic in particular. However, this app collects some metadata when used, which raises data protection concerns. But why data protection? Teams collects data when using But what personal and metadata is...