
Microsoft Teams

Powerful measure against employee monitoring: The Status Holder Tool

A silent monster lurks in the depths of the working world: employee monitoring. Companies are faced with the balancing act between surveillance and data protection. What is allowed, what is forbidden? The Status Holder Tool provides the answer. Taking a powerful step against control in the workplace. Introduction: The problem of employee monitoring Surveillance in the...

Data protection and fear of surveillance when using Teams

When using Microsoft Teams or similar collaboration tools, employees often have specific concerns about data protection and monitoring. Some important aspects are: Data security: Employees want to ensure that their personal data and work content is secure. You want to know what security measures Microsoft Teams uses to protect data from unauthorized access. Data...

The fear of employees with the Teams status

There can be various reasons for employees' anxiety when using the Teams status, especially the "Absent" status: Fear of negative perception: Employees may fear that the status "absent" will be interpreted as a lack of commitment or low morale. In work cultures where constant availability is expected, setting an absence status can cause insecurity...

Set team status according to schedule

A frequently requested feature is a schedule for the status holder so that you are only available in teams during a certain time window. The Teams status can now easily be set to Available in a time window, even though the Holder status is activated all day. But how exactly does the schedule for...

Automate team status – it’s easy!

The Teams status provides information on whether a colleague is available or not. However, it can also reveal an employee's work behavior. So it's a tricky subject. Wouldn't it be great to automate the status? Automating status - what is possible? The Teams status can be set manually, or Microsoft can do this automatically...

Teams Status: Out of office with 3 steps

In Microsoft Teams, the status of the logged-in user is not a core component. This status indicates whether the colleague is available, absent or in a meeting. But there is also out-of-home status. You have to make a small detour for this to be displayed. The difficult issue of status The Microsoft Teams app automatically sets...

Teams status: Automatically switch offline

There are various statuses in Microsoft Teams - including the Offline status. As a rule, the status is set automatically by Teams depending on user behavior. So you are Available, Away when inactive or locked, or Offline - when you shut down the computer. However, there is no automatic offline function to date. Status: Show...

Reset team status in 3 steps

There are different statuses in Microsoft Teams. Depending on the status, you know whether the colleague is available, absent or even offline. These are set automatically according to user behavior. However, you can also enter a status manually, which is then always displayed as long as you are at the computer. In order for...

Teams status always green with 2 steps

The Teams status indicates whether the employee is currently at the computer and, under certain circumstances, what they are currently doing (currently presenting). However, you can also always display the team status in green. Because the status can be both practical and simplify employee monitoring! What does the team status say? There are various team statuses...

When does the team status become Absent?

The Teams status provides information about the availability and online time of the employee or colleague. But when do you become an absentee in teams? And when are you always available? When do you become an absentee in teams? The Teams status becomes Present if the desktop is inactive for longer than 5 minutes. You will...