AFK timers can be quite annoying. Especially in games like WOW, but also in Office applications like Microsoft Teams. What can you do about it? The key is Status Holder.
What does AFK actually mean?
The abbreviation AFK is not an official abbreviation, but is often used on the Internet or by gamers. AFK stands for “away from keyboard” and means not being at the keyboard or being absent.
How can AFK be prevented?
You become Away from keyboard if there is no keyboard input or mouse movement for a longer period of time. This is particularly relevant for games such as WOW, or for online games in general, as otherwise you will be kicked out of the lobby. This is also relevant for Office applications such as Microsoft Teams, as otherwise the Teams status will switch to Away. This could send bad signals to colleagues or superiors. This is why many people want to prevent the AFK timer on the computer.
But how do you stay online and no longer AFK? The simplest method is to use the status holder. This does exactly what the name says. It holds the current status and tells the PC that the user is working. Follow these steps to use the free tool:
- Download the Status Holder HERE
- Unpack and start with THESE instructions
- Lean back and prevent AFK from leaving 🙂
Thousands of users around the world are already using the Status Holder because it is free and does not need to be installed. Because it is so easy to use, anyone can prevent AFK from happening. Super simple!