
Why is the Status Holder so popular?

Why is the Status Holder so popular?

Why is the Status Holder constantly gaining new users and is so popular? There is a simple reason for this: the tool is free, does not need to be installed and prevents employee monitoring.

The most important reasons at a glance

There are a few good reasons why many users rely on the Status Holder:

  • The tool can be used free of charge, but those who wish can also use a premium version
  • No installation is necessary, so anyone can start the program. It also means that it does not appear in the installed software list for the internal IT department
  • By using the Status Holder, you are always available in Microsoft Teams or other similar programs and therefore it is hardly possible to monitor the employee in the home office

Of course, there are many other features that speak in favor of using the Status Holder. Our tool also has some advantages over other programs, which you can see in a direct comparison.

Our boss the Kontrolletti

Many recommendations for our tool can already be found online, including on Reddit. Here a user writes “Our boss the Kontrolletti” and describes his problem with the Teams absence status. Many options are mentioned by other users, including the status holder for teams:


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Would you like to try out the free Status Holder too? This can be downloaded from this website.